w Ines Reinboth - Coaching
Ines Reinboth Portait
Coaching Kachel
Coaching Bild
Signatur Ines Reinboth

non medical practitioner
systemic therapist
SFBT focussing attempt
wellbeing facilitator
couple therapist
team coach
Montessori teacher
medical nurse

Böblinger Straße 87
70199 Stuttgart-Heslach
✆ +49 (0) 173 - 913 34 57
Coaching Überschrift
Personal coaching is a focussed, comprehensive consulting service for people undergoing transformative processes. As a personal coach I help people to clarify problem areas and goals. I also function as a catalyst and promoter in terms of stimulating and selectively training competencies in orientation and modifying personality trends and behaviour. For the client, personal coaching is about solving problems, constructing a suitable personal situation, developing the necessary abilities and personality in order to achieve their goal and then to integrate these competencies into his or her global life management. In this sense, the personal coach supports the client in devising and shaping clarification and developmental processes and such processes as are necessary for finding a new orientation.

coaching job
Do you find yourself in a professional situation that causes you to feel strain and discomfort or do you strive to actively initiate a change in your professional circumstances? In these cases it is often helpful to include an uninvolved person in the scene, someone with a neutral view who can assist you in the search for a solution.

coaching private
It really can happen to anybody - a wearying situation or irksome emotions may lead to our heads going around in circles. We ourselves lack the emotional distance and change of perspective to see a situation with composure and develop clear ways to solve a problem. Friends are often involved emotionally and thus not competent problem-solvers for finding adequate solutions. In such cases it is helpful to engage someone with a neutral vantage point on ones situation.

Job Related Coaching
-Führungskräfte, Problemstellungen
-Karriereplanung, die Qual der Wahl
-Akute Lebenskrisen z.B. Arbeitsplatzverlust,Mobbing, Burnout, etc. -Selbstwertproblematiken
-Sinnfragen (Lebenssinn, Lebensziele,Lebensbestimmung etc.)
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Private Coaching
-Sinnfragen (Lebenssinn, Lebensziele, Lebensbestimmung etc.)
-Ängste (insbesondere Versagensängste, Veränderungsängste, Lebensängste, soziale Ängste)
-Zu-Hause, der Partner, die Kinder und ich
-Neudefinierung Beziehung
-Zielklärung für die Beziehung
-Umgang mit Lebenskrisen in der Partnerschaft (Krankheit, Tod von Angehörigen, Mobbing etc.)
-Beziehungsprobleme nach Familienzuwachs und/oder Verlusten
-Sexuelle Probleme
-Unzufriedenheit in der momentanen Beziehung
-Umgang mit gemeinsamen Konflikten
-Gestörte Kommunikation
-Ambivalenzen: Trennen oder Zusammenbleiben
-Zwanghafte Verhaltensweisen
-Abhängigkeit / Sucht: Umgang mit der “Suche“ und deren Konsequenzen [read more]