w Ines Reinboth - Coaching Beruf
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Coaching Kachel
Coaching Beruf Emotionsbild
Signatur Ines Reinboth

non medical practitioner
systemic therapist
SFBT focussing attempt
wellbeing facilitator
couple therapist
team coach
Montessori teacher
medical nurse

Böblinger Straße 87
70199 Stuttgart-Heslach
✆ +49 (0) 173 - 913 34 57
Coaching Beruf Überschrift
My coaching approach for professionals takes a twofold directive, one serving the needs of established executives and one serving those at the beginning of their professional careers. The problem areas for managers and junior execs are often quite distinct in practice. While established professionals often have to deal with performance-impairing, energy-sapping familial problems on top of the demands experienced in the workplace, junior managers are not yet - or at least not to the same extent - affected by this additional strain. The personal relationships of managers and senior executives have often had to take a back seat in view of the demands of the job for years on end and suffered as a consequence, whereas young professionals are seldom blighted by this reality. Finding a balance between professional, private and personal exigencies is a major success factor for managers. It is not easy to accommodate partners, children, friends and personal wishes into a 60 hour working week without losing equilibrium. But it is possible! To achieve this balance it is important to look into ones current situation to detect and then eliminate areas of conflict.

My Offer on Job Related Coaching:

For managers and senior executives
- Private reflective consultation: “How am I really doing?“ involving the formulation of an honest and accurate personal feedback
- Private crisis consultation: for guidance in difficult professional and personal situations

Do the following questions occupy your mind?
- Do I have everything under control - my job, my private life, and myself? – How do I appear in my professional environment - to colleagues as a boss, and to my clients?
- Does my private life impede the advancement of my professional career, and if yes, to what extent? - Do I have the feeling that my partner and/or children have no idea how stressful my job really is? - Do I really know what my partner and/or kids accomplish every day, and when did I last ask them? - How are my children, actually? - Am I a 'good' husband/ wife/ father/ mother/ friend/ boss? What can I contribute?

Special „Burnout“
More and more managers suffer under the so-called burnout syndrome. Learn to recognise the signals and take early action against them.

Special „Bullying“
Bullying at work is an increasing phenomenon of our times. Defend yourself successfully…

Do I have everything under control - my job, my private life, and myself? How do I appear in my professional environment - to colleagues as a boss, and to my clients?...
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For junior executives
How do I appear to my boss? Does he count on me? What do I have to change for him/her to encourage and promote me? How can I advance professionally? What do I lack in comparison to the 'best in class'?
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More and more managers suffer under the so-called burnout syndrome. Learn to recognise the signals and take early action against..
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The term was made famous in its current use by the emigrated Swedish doctor and psychologist Heinz Leymann. It was he who spoke of mobbing, or 'bullying', in terms of the professional environment.
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