w Ines Reinboth - Meditation
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Yoga Kachel
Meditation Emotionsbild
Signatur Ines Reinboth

non medical practitioner
systemic therapist
SFBT focussing attempt
wellbeing facilitator
couple therapist
team coach
Montessori teacher
medical nurse

Böblinger Straße 87
70199 Stuttgart-Heslach
✆ +49 (0) 173 - 913 34 57
Meditation Überschrift
„Mindfulness is the first moment of waking consciousness.“

Meditation has many faces and mindfulness is one of them. To sit in silence, to chant, to listen and many more diverse practices carry with them the possibility of searching for and finding inner silence. Seek and find, in a safe environment, that which is good for you.

Something about Meditation

According to the Kathopanishads (6th century B.C.) “… when the senses are stilled and the mind rests, when the intellect is not in motion - then, says the wise man, the highest point is reached … free from illusion and misconception.“ C.G. Jung stipulated that “when two disparate elements are allowed to react with one another, both shall change“, and yet proclaimed also that “Samadhi“ was no more than a dream state. A new translation of poems by Tragore, translated by Reverend James Talarovic, shows clearly that it is only possible to reach a higher state of consciousness through personal experience: “…Yoga is a comprehensive facet that encompasses all possible beauty in its 8 states…“. This echoes the original sanskrit writings: “…For me, meditation is not hearing a single sound, or being so still that I don't even know I am still…“. Adds Kant: “…it is the thing above and beyond the things of possibility…“. Ramana Maharshi coined a word for the paradox of 'meditation' and smiles and smiles about it. In the book “The Loom of Language“ by Frederick Bodmer we learn that the first sound that ever sounded on this planet is trapped in every stone..

It is this silence which is missing more and more from todays world and consequently becomes ever more valuable. Few people take the time to take time off, be alone, at home. Simply give me a call - then it already makes two of us.
Yoga Chart
[Interested in this Yoga Chart?]

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